
Excellent Service and Sound Engineering

Landa & Associates, Inc. is a Consulting Structural Engineering firm based in Phoenix, Arizona providing clients with high quality, personalized service and total participation on every project. We have served over 150 clients in the Private, State and Federal sectors over the past two decades. We are proud that over half of our client base is repeat clients. Our staff has been continuously active since 1985 maintaining continuity of design excellence. Our team is composed of professional engineers, skilled technicians, experienced drafters and efficient administrators.

We look forward to working with you.


registrations throughout the united states and mexico

Please enquire for international projects.

Arizona based company for over 20 years.

Landa & Associates

5128 E Thomas Rd # 100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
United States

Office: (602) 443-5515

Fax: (602) 443-5533
